Категорија резултата |
Укупно у каријери |
Од. 2011 године до данас |
Монографије, монографске студије, тематски зборници, лексикографске и картографске публикације међународног значаја – M10 |
2 |
2 |
Радови објављени у научним часописима међународног значаја; научна критика; уређивање часописа – М20 |
12 |
4 |
Зборници међународних научних скупова – М30 |
41 |
21 |
Монографије националног значаја – M40 |
10 |
2 |
Радови у часописима националног значаја – M50 |
74 |
24 |
Техничка решења – M80 |
3 |
– |
1. |
Negovanović, S., Belingar, A., Topisirović, G. 2020. NDVI Remote Detection and Laboratory Soil Test Results Presentation in GIS Environment. Hungarian Agricultural Engineering. 37, pp.14-20. DOI: 10.17676/HAE.2020.37.1 |
M51 |
2. |
Stanković, S., Janković, Snežana, Husnjak, M., Topisirovic, G., Moisa, S., Sălășan, C. 2019. Bridging Innovation and Problems for Small Farms and Agricultural Households. Multidisciplinary Conference on Sustainable Development. Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania”, Timisoara, Romania. September 2019. Proceedings. ISBN 978-88-85813-60-1. p.p. 985– 990. |
M33 |
3. |
Topisirovic, G. 2018. Airborne Dust Distribution in Tied Cows House with Different Fans Operation Regime. Hungarian Agricultural Engineering Vol. 2018, Issue 34, p.p. 52–56. |
M51 |
4. |
Topisirovic, G., Mago, L. 2017. Potential of Renewable Sources from Solid Biomass in Serbian and Hungarian Agriculture Chapter 13 in: Engineering Practices for Agricultural Production and Water Conservation – An Interdisciplinary Approach. Part 5: Part 5: Renewable Energy Use in Agriculture. Series: Innovations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Editors: Megh R Goyal, PhD, PE R. K. Sivanappan, PhD. In production. Pub Date: Sep, 2016. Hard ISBN: 9781771884518. E-Book ISBN: 9781771884525. Apple Academic Press. p.p. 277 – 290. |
M14 |
5. |
Dajić Stevanović, Zora, Aćić, Svetlana, Luković, Milica, Zlatković, Ivana, Vasin, J., Topisirović, G., Šilc, U. 2016. Classification of continental halophytic grassland vegetation of Southeastern Europe. Phytocoenologia Vol. 46 (2016), Issue 3, p.p. 317–331. |
M22 |
6. |
Topisirovic, G., Poleksic, Vesna. 2016. Building capacity of Serbian agricultural education to link with society. Invited lecture. 44th International Symposium “Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering”, Opatija, Croatia, February 23-26, 2016. Proceedings, p.p. 509-521. |
M31 |
7. |
Vitázek, I., Klúčik, J., Vereš, P., Mikulová, Zuzana, Topisirovic, G. 2014. Production of Emissions During Combustion of Various Biofuels. Scientific journal Agricultural Engineering, Vol. XXXIX, No. 4. p.p. 41 – 50. Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia. |
M51 |
8. |
Topisirović, G., Petrović, D.V., Maletić, Radojka. 2013. Spatial Distributions of Airborne Dust in a Cows Barn Exposed to Influence of Different Ventilation Rates. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 29 (2), p 373-383, ISSN 1450-9156. Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun. DOI: 10.2298/BAH1302373T. |
M24 |
9. |
Aćić, Svetlana, Šilc, U., Vrbničanin, Sava, Cupać, Svjetlana, Topisirović, G., Stavretović, N., Dajić-Stevanović, Zora. 2013. Grassland Communities of Stol Mountain (Eastern Serbia) – Vegetation and Environment Relationships. Archives of Biological Sciences – Official Journal of the Serbian Biological Society. Vol. 65, No. 1, p.p. 211-227. Faculty of Biology. Belgrade. DOI:10.2298/ABS1301211A |
M23 |
10. |
Koprivica, R., Veljković, Biljana, Radivojević, D., Stanimirović, N., Topisirović, G., Đokić, D. 2012. Grass silage making by direct cutting using a Corner Machinery-1300 flail forage harvester. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 7(40), pp. 5459-5465. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR12.1381. |
M23 |